Monkey Adventures: a ZOO Science game

Genetic biodiversity, the diversity within a species (between individuals), is recognized as a level of biodiversity because it is the basis for evolution and adaptive potential (to changes in the environment). However, it is not well known among the wider public. By linking this theme to the (currently well adopted) theme of climate change, we want to stress the importance of genetic (bio)diversity in (climate) adaptation. We used ESEB (European Society of Evolutionary Biology) outreach funds to develop an interactive floor game/quiz called “Monkey Adventures”.
In this activity people take the place of animals (golden-headed lion tamarins, a species of monkey) that are confronted with environmental changes that threatens their survival. Genetic diversity is represented by (clothing) color diversity, affecting the survival chances of the players. We also want to convince the public that conserving (genetic) biodiversity is in their/our own interest as the preservation of species/ecosystems will in turn contribute to a more stable environment/climate.
We aim to distribute the scenario of this educational ‘product’ among (European) zoos, universities, botanical gardens, musea…, to be used at events, e.g. science festivals.
Download the Monkey Adventures scenario
Please, contact us if you are interested and would like further information.
Peter Galbusera (researcher) and Bart Verheecke (science communicator)
Centre for Research and Conservation (CRC) of the Antwerp Zoo Society
Koningin Astridplein 20-26
2018 Antwerp, Belgium