On the 10th of December the Antwerp Zoo Centre for Research and Conservation (CRC) organised their annual ZOO Research symposium online.
The recorded sessions are now available online:
Session I – Primate Behaviour & Evolution
- Emile BRYON - Comparison study of aggression patterns and frequencies in chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) and bonobos (pan paniscus) in a food related context
- Jonas TORFS - Individual measures for social tolerance in bonobos and chimpanzees: investigating the role of age, sex, and social network position
- Kim VERMEULEN - Comparing social tolerance in the Pan species: social relationships predict who feeds together in chimpanzees and bonobos
Session II - Animal Welfare & Health
- Jonas VERSPEEK - Measuring acute stress using urinary and salivary cortisol in captive bonobos
- Mélodie KREYER - What faecal analyses reveal about Manniophyton fulvum consumption in LuiKotale bonobos: a medicinal plant revisited
- Francis VERCAMMEN - Renal disease in slender-horned gazelles (Gazella leptoceros) of Planckendael
Session II - Animal Welfare & Health
- Jonas VERSPEEK - Measuring acute stress using urinary and salivary cortisol in captive bonobos
- Mélodie KREYER - What faecal analyses reveal about Manniophyton fulvum consumption in LuiKotale bonobos: a medicinal plant revisited
- Francis VERCAMMEN - Renal disease in slender-horned gazelles (Gazella leptoceros) of Planckendael
Session III - Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
- Olivier DURIEZ - Species restoration in a changing landscape: mapping suitable habitat for cinereous vultures (Aegypius monachus) to guide conservation actions
- Steffi DEKEGEL - Golden-headed lion tamarins at risk of climate change: A case study within the framework of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) for Global Biodiversity
- Johan DIEPSTRATEN - Assessing the drivers of soundscape structure along a gradient of disturbance in southeast Cameroon
- Jacques KEUMO - Trends in wildlife abundance and functional diversity in a landscape conservation zone of Cameroon
- Julia VAN PLATERINGEN - Human-wildlife coexistence: a case study in Southeast Cameroon
- Gust BOITEN - Demographic structure and functional traits of forest understory plants along a defaunation gradient